Welcome to the
Christian Muslim Dialogue
of Lexington, Kentucky

Our interfaith dialogue
is always open to the public!


Judaism 101

Shalom! Please join the Christian Muslim Dialogue of Lexington.

Rabbi Shani Abramowitz from Ohavay Zion Synagogue will talk to us about the basics of the Jewish faith.

What do Jews believe? How do Jews worship the One Living God? What should Christians and Muslims know about the Jewish faith?

Rabbi Abramowitz and CMD look forward to hosting this event!

Time and Location

Updated 9/21/24: Note special day and time

Date and Time: Sunday, September 22, 2024, from 4:30PM- 6:30PM

Location: Hunter Presbyterian Church, 109 Rosemont Garden, Lexington, KY 40503

Light refreshments will be provided. There will not be a pot luck at this event.

Please watch for announcements, and sign up for our email notification on the Contact Us page.


Click here for the Zoom link for 9/22/24 program. Registration is required.


Programs 2024-2025

Watch this website for announcements of our future programs. We encourage you to sign up for our email program announcements.

Our events are in person! If you are unable to join us, please join us online for many of our programs. Zoom links are available through the link above, sent to our email subscribers, and available from Eventbrite.com.

Many of our previous events can be found on our YouTube channel. Find links on our Previous Events page.

Please stay in touch! We encourage you to sign up on the Contact Us page. You may unsubscribe at any time. Your information is never shared or sold.

Past Programs

Note that several programs were recorded. Please visit the Previous Programs page to find YouTube links.

Please contribute to CMD’s GoFundMe page

The Steering Committee asks that those attending in person or online please consider making a small contribution to our GoFundMe page.

Funds will be used to defray monthly expenses, such as web hosting and online presentations. When we meet in person, CMD donates to our host houses of worship. We also use funds to donate to God’s Pantry and Kentucky Refugee Ministries and those that they serve. 

Our Mission

Founded in 1999, the Christian Muslim Dialogue promotes understanding and mutual respect between Christians and Muslims. It explores historical, political and cultural factors that have shaped the current context and have contributed to the views we hold today. Through discussion and reflection, it believes that all can counter prejudices and inflammatory rhetoric and help raise the tenor of the dialogue. In the end, the CMD promotes one’s personal and collective responsibility to build a more open and accepting community at home, contributing to a more just and peaceful world. 

Our Guidelines

Click here for our interfaith dialogue discussion guidelines. Our hope is to provide a forum where civil discussions about interfaith and religion issues can occur with respect and understanding.

A Prayer for Unity

Most High, Creator of All,
give us grace and wisdom
to work for civility
and respect for all people
so all Your children can worship
and walk together, united in spirit.
Strengthen the resolve of those who reject violence,
revenge and retaliation.
Support those who prize the dignity of others
as highly as their own.
Give us wisdom
to hold all creation sacred,
precious, and worthy of our care.
Cause us to consider
the price of conflict,
prejudice, suspicion and fear;
open our eyes
to see the benefits
of living as one diverse human family,
recognizing the dignity of each person.
Renew in us the resolve to dedicate our energy
to the work of building a just society
for all of every race,
language and way of life.
Make us instruments of your Shalom.
Keep us united in spirit, mercy, hope,
thanksgiving and harmony.
Give us vision
to build the culture of encounter, together.
May it be so.